
Journal Articles

1963  Experimental meditation. J. Nervous and mental Disease,136: 329-343     Also in : Altered States of Consciousness. C. Tart (ed.), (New York: Wiley)     1969, pp. 199-218. Also in: Psychology for Our Times. P. Zimbarado and C.     Maslach (eds.), (Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman) 1973): pp. 155-164.

1966 Implications of experimentally induced contemplative meditation. J     Nervous and Mental Disease, 142: 101-116. Also in Psychedelics. B.     Aronson and H. Oamond (eds.) (New York: Doubleday) 1970,pp. 296-320.

1966 Deautomatization and mystic experience. Psychiatry 29 : pp. 324-338.    Also in: Altered States of Consciousness. C. Tart (ed.) (New York: Wiley)    1969, pp. 23-43. Also in: The Nature of Human Consciousness. R. Ornstein     (ed.) (New York: Viking) 1974, pp. 216-233. Also in: Growing Edges in the     Psychology of Religion. J. Tisdale (ed.) (Chicago: Belson-Hall) 1980, pp.     201- 217. Also in: Understanding mysticism. R.Woods (ed.) (Garden City,     New York: Doubleday) 1980, pp. 240-260.

1971 Bimodal consciousness. Arch. General Psychiatry 25: 481-489. Also in:     Biofeedback and Self-Control. J. Stoyva et al (eds.) (Chicago: Aldine and     Atherton) 1972: 58-73. Also in : The Nature of Human Consciousness. R.     Ornstein (ed.) (New York: Viking) 1974, pp. 67-86. Also in: Understanding     mysticism. R.Woods (ed.) (Garden City, New York: Doubleday) 1980, pp.     261-279

1971 Phenothiazines and therapist's fear of identification. J. Humanistic     Psychology 9: 196-200.

1977 Comments on the GAP report on mysticism. J. Nervous and Mental     Disease 165:318-329. Also in: Consciousness: Brain, States of Awareness     and Mysticism. D. Goleman and R. Davidson (eds.) (New York: Harper and     Row) 1979:191-194.

1977 Sufism and psychiatry. J. Nervous and Mental Disease 165: 318-329.     Also in Transpersonal Psychotherapy. S. Boorstein (ed.) (Palo Alto: Science     and Behavoir Books) 1980: 200-216. Also in : Beyond Health and Normality     R. Walsh and D. Shapiro (eds.) (New York: Van Nostrand and Rheinhold)

1983 The evaluation of spiritual and utopian groups. J. Humanistic Psychology
    23: 8-19

1979 with L.C. Whitaker. Humanizing a psychiatric ward: changing from drugs     to psycotherapy.Psycotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 17: 85-93.

1980 with L.C. Whitaker. Psychotherapy of severe depression. Psychotherapy.     Theory, Research and Practice,17: 85-93.

1983 The evaluation of spiritual and utopian groups. J. Humanistic Psychology     23: 8-19.

1991 with Charles T. Tart. Mindfulness, spiritual seeking and psychotherapy. J. Transpersonal Psychology, 23: 29-52.

1996 "I" = Awareness. J. Consciousness Studies, 3:4.

1997 The Spiritual heart of service. Noetic Sciences Review, Winter

2000 A functional approach to mysticism. J. Consciousness Studies, 7: 11/12

2001 Mental health, aging, and role of service. Harvard Mental Health Letter,     February

Articles in Books

1974  The meaning of everything. IN: The Nature of Human Consciousness. R.     Ornstein (ed.) (New York: Viking) pp. 317-326. Also IN: The Meeting of the     Ways: Explorations in East/West Psychology. J. Welwood (ed.) (New York:     Schocken Books) pp. 45-55.

1977  The missing center. IN: Alternate States of Consciousness. N. Zinberg     (ed.) (New York: The Free Press) pp. 230-241.

1984  The state-of-the-art of meditation. IN: Meditation: Classical and     Contemporary Perspectives. D. Shapiro and R. Walsh (eds.) (New York:     Aldine) pp. 679-680.

1996  Intention, self, and spiritual experience: a functional model of     consciousness. IN: Toward a Scientific Basis for Consciousness, eds. SR     Hameroff, AW Kaszniak, AC Scott (Boston: MIT Press) pp.695-706.

1996  Treating former members of cults. IN: Textbook of Transpersonal     Psychiatry and Psychology, eds. BW Scotton, AB Chinen, JR Battista (New     York: Basic Books) pp. 316-326.

2000  Service as a way of knowing. IN: Transpersonal Knowing, Hart et al.     (eds) SUNY Press.


1976  with P. R. Lee, R. E. Ornstein, D. Galin, and C. Tart. Symposium on     Consciousness. (New York: Viking) 182 pp.

1976  Personal Freedom: On Finding Your Way to the Real World (New York:     Viking) 163 pp.

1982  The Observing Self: Mysticism and Psychotherapy. (Boston: Beacon     Press) 194 pp.

1990  The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in     American Society (Boston: Beacon Press)


1988  Evaluating Spiritual and Utopian Groups. (Tunbridge Wells, England:     Institute for Cultural Research) pp. 5-16.

Teaching Materials

1976  The Receptive Mode (videotape). Division of Interpretation, National     Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.

1976  A Guide to Implementing the Receptive Mode. Division of Interpretation,     National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.


1965  Semantic restraints and the psychedelics. H. Jenkins. ETC, 22: 484.

1966  Technique of Relaxation: Self-Relaxation. H. Kleinsorge. Int. J. Clinical     and Experimental Hypnosis, 14: 82.

1967  Dialogue with Erik Erikson. R. I. Evans. The Berkshire Eagle, December     2.

1972  Biochemical orthodoxy. Voices, 8: 7-8.

1975  Sufi Studies: East and West. L. F. Williams (ed.) J. Transpersonal     Psychology, Spring.

1977  Freedom in Meditation. P. Carrington. J. Nervous and Mental Disease,     171: 264-265.

1978  Psychiatry and Mysticism. S. R. Dean (ed.) J. Nervous and Mental     Disease, 166: 825-826.

1979  The ESP Experience. J. Ehrenwald. J. Nervous and Mental Disease,     167: 769.

1983  Studies in Non-Deterministic Psychology. G. Epstein. J. Nervous and     Mental Disease, 171: 264-265.

1984  The Amazing Brain. R. Ornstein and R. Thompson. San Francisco     Chronicle, December 10.

1986  Freedom from the Self. M. Shafii. J. Nervous and Mental Disease, 174:     503-504.

1986  Kara Kush. I. Shah. San Francisco Chronicle, June 22.

1990  Combating Cult Mind Control. S. Hassan. J. Nervous and Mental     Disease.

1991  Cults and New Religious Movements. M. Galanter (ed.) J. Nervous and     Mental Disease, 197:115.

1991  Our Wish to Kill: The Murder in All Our Hearts. H. Stearn and L.     Freeman. San Francisco Chronicle, July 9.

1991  The Spirit of Shamanism. Roger N. Walsh, M.D. J. Nervous and Mental     Disease.

1992  Beyond Countertransference: The Therapist's Subjectivity in the     Therapeutic Process, J. Natterson. M. Nervous and Mental Disease.

1994  Therapeutic Conversations, S. Gilligan and R. Price, eds. J. Nervous     and Mental Disease.

1994  The Commanding Self, I. Shah. J. Transpersonal Psychology.

1996  Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist     Perspective. M. Epstein. J. Nervous and Mental Disease.

1999  Zen and the Brain, Austen, J. Times Literary Supplement.


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